Gyaru fashion, a vibrant and unique trend originating from Japan, has taken the world by storm. Characterized by its bold and flamboyant style, Gyaru fashion combines elements of streetwear, glamour, and youth culture to create a truly eye-catching aesthetic. In this article, we will delve into the origins of Gyaru fashion, explore its key features, and uncover why it has become such a popular choice among fashion enthusiasts worldwide.

1. The Emergence of the Gyaru Fashion Trend

Gyaru fashion first emerged in Japan in the 1990s and quickly gained popularity among young women. The term “gyaru” is derived from the English word “gal,” which was used to describe fashionable and trendy girls. This fashion trend was a rebellion against traditional Japanese beauty standards, which emphasized modesty and natural beauty.
The gyaru fashion trend was influenced by Western styles, particularly those from America and Europe. It embraced bold and exaggerated looks, with an emphasis on flashy clothing, heavy makeup, and elaborate hairstyles. The goal of gyaru fashion was to stand out and make a statement.
Gyaru fashion became associated with a subculture of young women who were often seen as rebellious and unconventional. They were known for their vibrant personalities, outgoing nature, and love for partying and socializing.

Key Characteristics of Gyaru Fashion:

  • Flashy clothing: Gyaru fashion is characterized by bright colors, bold patterns, and attention-grabbing designs. Popular clothing items include mini skirts, crop tops, platform shoes, and oversized accessories.
  • Heavy makeup: Gyaru girls typically wear heavy makeup with a focus on big eyes achieved through circle lenses or false eyelashes. They also use bronzer to create a tanned complexion.
  • Elaborate hairstyles: Gyaru hairstyles often involve voluminous curls or straightened hair with added extensions or wigs. Hair colors range from blonde to vibrant shades like pink or purple.
  • Tan skin: A tanned complexion is considered desirable in gyaru fashion as it contrasts with traditional Japanese beauty standards that favor pale skin.

Acknowledging the Influence of Western Culture:

The emergence of gyaru fashion can be seen as a reflection of Japan’s fascination with Western culture during the 1990s. The trend embraced elements of Western fashion and beauty standards, challenging traditional Japanese norms. This fusion of cultures created a unique and distinct style that continues to evolve today.
While gyaru fashion initially faced criticism and backlash for its departure from traditional Japanese aesthetics, it has since become an important part of Japanese pop culture. The trend has also influenced other fashion movements around the world, demonstrating the global impact of Japanese street style.

2. Key Characteristics of Gyaru Fashion

Gyaru fashion is known for its bold and exaggerated style, characterized by vibrant colors, flashy accessories, and a glamorous appearance. One key characteristic of Gyaru fashion is the use of heavy makeup, particularly emphasizing the eyes with dramatic eyelashes, colored contact lenses, and smoky eyeshadow. This makeup style helps to create a doll-like or anime-inspired look.

Another characteristic of Gyaru fashion is the emphasis on tanned skin. Many Gyaru girls strive for a deep tan through tanning beds or self-tanning products to achieve a sun-kissed glow. This preference for darker skin contrasts with traditional Japanese beauty standards that favor lighter skin tones.

In terms of clothing, Gyaru fashion often features trendy and fashionable pieces such as mini skirts, crop tops, platform heels, and oversized accessories like bows and ribbons. The style incorporates elements from Western fashion trends but adds its own unique twist with a mix of girly and edgy elements.

Overall, the key characteristics of Gyaru fashion can be summarized as a bold and glamorous style that includes heavy makeup, tanned skin, trendy clothing items, and attention-grabbing accessories.

3. The Evolution of Gyaru Fashion Over Time

Gyaru fashion has undergone significant evolution since its emergence in the 1970s. Initially inspired by American pop culture such as rock ‘n’ roll and California beach culture, early Gyaru fashion was characterized by denim shorts, loose-fitting tops, and brightly colored hair.

In the 1990s, there was a shift towards a more extravagant style known as “kogyaru” or “high school gyaru.” This substyle featured shorter skirts paired with long socks or stockings, platform shoes called “ganguro boots,” and an even heavier emphasis on tanned skin. Kogyaru also popularized the use of circle lenses, which are colored contact lenses that give the eyes a larger appearance.

In the 2000s, Gyaru fashion started to incorporate more feminine and elegant elements. This period saw the rise of “onee gyaru,” which translates to “big sister gyaru.” Onee gyaru focused on a more mature and sophisticated look with longer skirts, blouses, and high heels. The makeup became more subtle compared to previous styles, with a focus on natural-looking beauty.

In recent years, Gyaru fashion has become more diverse and inclusive. There are now various substyles within the Gyaru community, such as Hime (princess) gyaru, Agejo (sexy) gyaru, and Rokku (rock) gyaru. These substyles cater to different tastes and preferences while still maintaining the overall essence of Gyaru fashion.

Overall, the evolution of Gyaru fashion reflects changing trends and influences over time, adapting to societal shifts and individual expressions of style within the community.

4. Influential Figures in the Gyaru Fashion Movement

Several influential figures have played significant roles in shaping and popularizing Gyaru fashion throughout its history. These individuals have not only showcased their unique styles but also contributed to the overall growth and recognition of this fashion movement.

One notable figure is Tsubasa Masuwaka, often referred to as the “Queen of Gyaru.” She gained fame through her modeling career in popular magazines such as Popteen and Egg. Masuwaka’s signature style included large doll-like eyes created using circle lenses and colorful eyeshadow. Her influence extended beyond Japan as she launched her own makeup brand called Candy Doll, which became popular among Gyaru enthusiasts worldwide.

Another influential figure is Namie Amuro, a Japanese singer who embraced a bold and edgy style that resonated with many Gyaru girls. Amuro’s music and fashion choices, including her iconic blonde hair and unique outfits, inspired a generation of Gyaru enthusiasts.

Additionally, the magazine Egg played a crucial role in promoting Gyaru fashion and featuring influential figures within the community. It served as a platform for aspiring Gyaru models to showcase their styles and share fashion tips with readers. The magazine’s popularity helped to spread awareness of Gyaru fashion and attract more individuals to embrace this unique style.

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These influential figures have not only contributed to the popularity of Gyaru fashion but also paved the way for its continued growth and evolution. Their impact can still be seen today through the various substyles and trends within the Gyaru community.

5. Popular Clothing Brands Associated with Gyaru Fashion

Gyaru fashion is closely associated with several popular clothing brands that cater specifically to this unique style. These brands offer a wide range of trendy clothing items and accessories that appeal to Gyaru enthusiasts seeking to express themselves through fashion.

One prominent brand is Liz Lisa, known for its feminine and girly aesthetic. Liz Lisa offers an array of cute dresses, skirts, blouses, and accessories adorned with bows, lace, and floral patterns. The brand’s designs often incorporate pastel colors and ruffles, creating a romantic look that resonates with many Gyaru girls.

Another popular brand is MA*RS, which focuses on creating sexy and glamorous clothing pieces. MA*RS offers stylish tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear that feature bold prints, sequins, or cut-out details. The brand’s edgy yet feminine designs align well with the overall spirit of Gyaru fashion.

Onee gyaru enthusiasts often turn to Cecil McBee for their fashion needs. Cecil McBee specializes in sophisticated and elegant clothing items such as blouses, skirts, coats, and bags. Their designs incorporate elements like lace trims or pleats while maintaining a mature aesthetic suitable for onee gyaru fashion.

Other notable clothing brands associated with Gyaru fashion include Emoda, Delyle Noir, and Duras. These brands offer a mix of trendy and edgy styles that appeal to different substyles within the Gyaru community.

By embracing these popular clothing brands, Gyaru enthusiasts can easily find pieces that align with their personal style preferences and help them achieve the desired Gyaru look.

6. The Impact of Social Media on the Popularity of Gyaru Fashion

The Rise of Gyaru Influencers

With the advent of social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, the popularity of Gyaru fashion has skyrocketed. Many young individuals have become Gyaru influencers, sharing their personal styles, makeup tutorials, and fashion hauls with a wide audience. These influencers have played a significant role in promoting the Gyaru aesthetic and attracting new followers to the trend.


– Yumachi (@yumachi_rose): With over 500k followers on Instagram, Yumachi is known for her bold Gyaru makeup looks and fashion inspiration.
– RinRin Doll (@rinrindoll): RinRin Doll is a popular YouTuber who showcases various substyles within Gyaru fashion and provides tips on achieving the perfect Gyaru look.

The Power of Hashtags

Social media platforms have also allowed Gyaru enthusiasts to connect with each other through hashtags. By using specific hashtags such as #gyarustyle or #gyarufashion, individuals can discover new trends, find inspiration, and build a supportive community. This has not only increased the visibility of Gyaru fashion but has also encouraged its growth as more people become aware of this unique style.


– #GyaruStyle: This hashtag is commonly used by individuals who want to showcase their own interpretations of Gyaru fashion.
– #GyaruCommunity: By using this hashtag, people can find others who share their passion for all things related to Gyaru.

7. Controversies and Criticisms Surrounding Gyaru Fashion

Gyaru fashion has not been without its fair share of controversies and criticisms. Some critics argue that the exaggerated makeup and flashy clothing perpetuate negative stereotypes about women, portraying them as superficial and overly concerned with their appearance. Additionally, there have been concerns about cultural appropriation, as non-Japanese individuals adopt the Gyaru style without fully understanding its origins and cultural significance.

Perception of Beauty

One of the main controversies surrounding Gyaru fashion is its impact on the perception of beauty. Critics argue that the heavy makeup and tanned skin promote unrealistic beauty standards and encourage individuals to conform to a specific idealized image. However, proponents of Gyaru fashion argue that it allows individuals to express themselves creatively and should be seen as a form of self-expression rather than an endorsement of societal beauty standards.


– The debate over whether Gyaru fashion empowers or oppresses women’s self-image has sparked discussions in feminist circles.
– Some argue that embracing Gyaru fashion challenges traditional notions of beauty and encourages individuality.

Cultural Appropriation Concerns

Another criticism directed at Gyaru fashion is the issue of cultural appropriation. As the trend gains popularity outside Japan, there are concerns that non-Japanese individuals may appropriate elements of Gyaru fashion without understanding its cultural context. It is important for those adopting the style to educate themselves about its origins and respect its roots in Japanese culture.


– Many online communities dedicated to discussing cultural appropriation have debated the inclusion of Gyaru fashion within this discourse.
– Some individuals actively engage in conversations about how to appreciate and respect different cultures while participating in trends like Gyaru fashion.

Note: The remaining subheadings will be continued in subsequent responses due to character limitations.

8. Changing Mainstream Perception of Gyaru Fashion

Gyaru fashion has long been associated with a rebellious and provocative image in mainstream society. However, in recent years, there has been a shift in perception towards the style. With the rise of social media and online communities, gyaru fashion enthusiasts have been able to showcase their unique styles and challenge stereotypes associated with the subculture.

The Power of Social Media

Social media platforms such as Instagram and YouTube have played a significant role in changing the mainstream perception of gyaru fashion. Influential gyaru bloggers and vloggers have used these platforms to share their personal stories, outfit inspirations, and beauty tips, showcasing the diversity within the community. This increased visibility has allowed people to see beyond the surface-level assumptions about gyaru fashion and appreciate it as a form of self-expression.

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Breaking Stereotypes through Education

Another factor contributing to the changing perception of gyaru fashion is education. As more information becomes readily available about the history, cultural significance, and individuality within the style, misconceptions are being debunked. People are learning that gyaru fashion is not just about looking glamorous or conforming to societal norms but rather about embracing one’s own unique style and celebrating individuality.

– Online communities dedicated to gyaru fashion have created spaces for open dialogue and discussion where individuals can learn from each other’s experiences.
– Collaborations between mainstream brands and gyaru influencers have helped bridge the gap between traditional perceptions of beauty and what is considered fashionable within the subculture.
– The increasing popularity of Japanese pop culture worldwide has also played a role in introducing people to different styles like gyaru fashion.

9. Substyles and Variations within Gyaru Fashion

Gyaru fashion encompasses various substyles and variations that cater to different preferences within the community. These substyles often have distinct characteristics, ranging from the type of makeup and hairstyle to the choice of clothing and accessories. Some notable substyles within gyaru fashion include:


Gyaru-O is a substyle that focuses on masculine fashion and style for men. It is characterized by a more rugged look, with emphasis on muscular physiques, streetwear-inspired outfits, and bold accessories.

Hime Gyaru

Hime Gyaru, or Princess Gyaru, is known for its ultra-feminine aesthetic. This substyle emphasizes elegance and luxury, with elaborate hairstyles, pastel-colored clothing, and an abundance of lace and frills.

– One popular trend within Hime Gyaru is the “doll-like” makeup style featuring large eyes, rosy cheeks, and glossy lips.
– Accessories such as tiaras, bows, and pearls are commonly worn to enhance the princess-like image.


Ganguro is one of the most recognizable substyles within gyaru fashion due to its extreme tanning and vibrant makeup. This subculture emerged in the late 1990s as a rebellion against traditional Japanese beauty standards.

– Ganguro girls often sport deep tans achieved through artificial means such as tanning beds or spray tans.
– Makeup includes heavy dark eyeliner paired with bright eyeshadows and exaggerated blush.
– Clothing choices typically consist of colorful and eccentric outfits.

Overall, these substyles showcase the diversity within gyaru fashion and allow individuals to express their unique personalities through different aesthetics.

10. Influence of Japanese Pop Culture on Gyaru Fashion

Gyaru fashion is heavily influenced by Japanese pop culture, particularly the vibrant and eccentric styles seen in anime, manga, and J-pop music videos. The bold and exaggerated looks often sported by fictional characters have inspired many gyaru fashion trends, such as the use of colorful wigs, dramatic makeup, and oversized accessories.
One specific aspect of Japanese pop culture that has greatly influenced gyaru fashion is the concept of kawaii, which translates to “cute” or “adorable.” This aesthetic is characterized by pastel colors, cute animal motifs, and a youthful innocence. Many gyaru substyles incorporate elements of kawaii into their outfits to create a playful and girly look.

Influences from Anime

Anime has had a significant impact on gyaru fashion, with many popular series featuring characters who embody different aspects of the style. For example, the character Yumeko Jabami from “Kakegurui” showcases the gyaru-inspired look with her heavy eyeliner, brightly colored hair extensions, and provocative clothing choices.

Influences from J-pop Music

J-pop music also plays a crucial role in shaping gyaru fashion trends. Many J-pop idols are known for their bold and eye-catching outfits both on stage and off. Their influence can be seen in the popularity of platform shoes, flashy accessories like statement belts or chokers, and unconventional hairstyles within the gyaru community.

11. Global Impact of Gyaru Fashion Beyond Japan

While gyaru fashion originated in Japan during the 1990s as a rebellious subculture against traditional beauty standards, it has gained international recognition over time. Today, there are dedicated communities of gyaru enthusiasts around the world who embrace and adapt the style to their local fashion scenes.

Gyaru Fashion in Western Countries

In Western countries, such as the United States and Europe, gyaru fashion has gained a niche following. Many individuals are drawn to its boldness, creativity, and self-expression. Gyaru-inspired outfits can often be seen at anime conventions or alternative fashion events, where enthusiasts showcase their unique interpretations of the style.

Online Communities

The rise of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok has also played a significant role in spreading awareness of gyaru fashion globally. People from all over the world can now connect with each other through online communities dedicated to sharing outfit inspiration, makeup tutorials, and styling tips.

12. Notable Celebrities Embracing and Popularizing the Gyaru Style

Over the years, several notable celebrities have embraced and popularized the gyaru style both within Japan and internationally. These influential figures have helped bring attention to this unique fashion subculture and inspire others to experiment with their own looks.

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

Kyary Pamyu Pamyu is a Japanese singer and model known for her eccentric fashion sense. Her music videos often feature colorful and whimsical outfits that incorporate elements of gyaru fashion. Kyary’s popularity has helped introduce many people to this style, making her one of the most recognizable faces associated with gyaru.

Dakota Rose (Kotakoti)

Dakota Rose, also known as Kotakoti, gained international fame through her YouTube channel where she showcased her gyaru-inspired makeup tutorials. She became an internet sensation due to her doll-like appearance achieved through heavy makeup application, circle lenses, and elaborate hairstyles.

Influence on Beauty Industry

Celebrities like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu and Dakota Rose have had a significant impact on the beauty industry, with many makeup brands releasing products specifically designed to achieve the gyaru look. From vibrant eyeshadow palettes to false lashes and colored contact lenses, these celebrities’ influence can be seen in the wide range of products available for creating gyaru-inspired makeup looks.

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13. Common Makeup and Hairstyle Trends in the Gyaru Community

Makeup and hairstyles are essential components of the gyaru style, allowing individuals to express their creativity and enhance their overall look. Several trends have emerged within the gyaru community, reflecting different substyles and personal preferences.

Dolly Eyes Makeup

A popular makeup trend among gyaru enthusiasts is dolly eyes, which involves using circle lenses to create an illusion of larger, doll-like eyes. This effect is further enhanced by applying multiple layers of mascara or false lashes for added volume and length. Soft pastel eyeshadows or shimmery shades are often used to create a dreamy and youthful appearance.

Tanned Skin

Gyaru fashion often embraces a tanned skin tone, which contrasts with traditional Japanese beauty standards that prioritize fair skin. Many gyaru individuals achieve this look through self-tanning lotions or bronzing powders. The tanned complexion is believed to give off a more exotic vibe and complement the bold makeup choices commonly associated with the style.

Hair Extensions

Long, voluminous hair is highly valued within the gyaru community. Hair extensions are frequently used to achieve this desired look, allowing individuals to experiment with various colors and styles without committing to permanent changes. Popular hairstyles include loose curls, teased and backcombed hair, and elaborate updos adorned with bows or decorative hair accessories.

14. Resurgence or Revival of Gyaru Fashion in Recent Years?

In recent years, there has been a noticeable resurgence of interest in gyaru fashion, both within Japan and internationally. This revival can be attributed to various factors that have reignited enthusiasm for this unique style.

Online Influencers

The rise of social media platforms has provided a platform for gyaru enthusiasts to share their outfits, makeup looks, and styling tips with a wider audience. Influencers who embrace the gyaru style have gained significant followings, attracting new individuals to join the community or experiment with incorporating gyaru elements into their own fashion choices.

Fusion with Other Subcultures

Gyaru fashion has also experienced a revival through its fusion with other subcultures. For example, the incorporation of elements from streetwear and hip-hop fashion has given rise to substyles like “gyaruo,” which is characterized by its masculine aesthetics and baggy clothing choices. This blending of influences has brought fresh energy to the gyaru community.

Events and Meetups

The organization of gyaru-themed events and meetups has further contributed to the resurgence of this fashion trend. These gatherings provide opportunities for like-minded individuals to connect, share their love for gyaru fashion, and inspire each other through outfit showcases and collaborative projects.

In conclusion, Gyaru fashion is a vibrant and unique style that embraces boldness and self-expression. If you’re intrigued by this trend or want to explore your own fashion journey, why not check out our cosplay products? We offer a wide range of costumes and accessories that can help you bring your favorite characters to life. Feel free to get in touch with us for any inquiries or recommendations – we’d love to be a part of your fashion adventure!

Kogal fashion 1

What is the meaning behind gyaru fashion?

This fashion subculture is seen as rebellious and nonconformist, going against the societal and beauty norms of Japan during a time when women were expected to be homemakers and adhere to the Asian beauty standards of fair skin and black hair.

What are the rules of gyaru?

Gyaru fashion goes against traditional Japanese beauty standards, which include pale skin, dark hair, neutral clothing, and subtlety. Instead, it embraces darkly bronzed skin, bold makeup, vibrant fashion, and a culture of rebellion and nonconformity.

Gyaru fashion 1

Where is gyaru fashion from?

Gyaru is a fashion subculture in Japan that has been around for twenty years. Within this subculture, there are various subcategories such as kogyaru, hime gyaru, ganguro, banba, and yamanba.

Does gyaru still exist?

The fashion trend known as “gyaru” from the 1990s has largely disappeared. Nowadays, girls who used to be referred to as “gyaru” have embraced a more conventional appearance, avoiding heavy makeup and opting for a more natural look. The style has evolved, as have people’s preferences, leading followers of the trend to embrace more modern looks.

Was gyaru inspired by black culture?

Gyaru were challenging the conventional beauty standards of Japan and there was a subculture called B-gyaru that included elements of Black fashion and culture. However, the individuals I encountered were genuinely fascinated by Black American culture.

Why do gyaru darken their skin?

Gyaru culture adopted tanning as a way to deliberately darken their skin, which was seen as a rebellious act against traditional Japanese beauty norms.