Putting on a cosplay wig is an essential step in transforming into your favorite character. In this guide, we will provide you with simple and effective tips to effortlessly don a cosplay wig and achieve an authentic and stunning look.

What materials do I need to put on a cosplay wig?

When it comes to putting on a cosplay wig, there are a few essential materials you’ll want to have on hand. First and foremost, you’ll need the wig itself. Make sure you choose a wig that matches your character’s hairstyle and color as closely as possible. Synthetic wigs are typically the most popular choice for cosplay due to their affordability and wide range of styles available.

In addition to the wig, you’ll also need a wig cap. A wig cap helps secure your natural hair and provides a smooth surface for the wig to sit on. Wig caps come in different colors, so choose one that matches your skin tone or the color of the wig you’re wearing.

To further secure the wig, you may want to use bobby pins or hair clips. These can be used to anchor the wig in place and prevent it from slipping during wear. Lastly, having a comb or brush specifically designed for wigs will help you style and maintain your cosplay wig.

Materials needed:

  • Synthetic cosplay wig
  • Wig cap
  • Bobby pins or hair clips
  • Wig comb or brush

Pro tip:

If you’re looking for extra security, consider using adhesive products such as wig glue or tape. These can be applied along the hairline or underneath the wig cap to keep everything in place. However, be cautious when using adhesives as they can cause damage if not used properly.

Now that we’ve gathered our materials, let’s move on to preparing our natural hair before putting on the cosplay wig.

How to prepare your natural hair before putting on a cosplay wig

Before you can slip into the fabulous world of cosplay with your wig, it’s important to properly prepare your natural hair. This step is crucial for achieving a seamless and comfortable look.

The first thing you’ll want to do is make sure your hair is clean and dry. Washing your hair beforehand will remove any excess oils or products that could interfere with the wig’s adherence. If you have long hair, consider tying it up in a bun or braids to keep it compact and prevent any lumps or bumps under the wig.

Next, put on a wig cap. Wig caps are essential for holding your natural hair in place and creating a smooth base for the wig. To put on the wig cap, start by tucking all your hair inside it and then stretch it over your head. Make sure the cap covers all your hairline and reaches down to the nape of your neck.

If you have shorter hair, you may find that a wig cap alone is sufficient for securing your natural hair. However, if you have longer or thicker hair, consider using bobby pins or clips to further secure the wig cap in place.

Steps to prepare your natural hair:

  1. Wash and dry your hair
  2. Tie up long hair in a bun or braids
  3. Put on a wig cap
  4. Secure the wig cap with bobby pins or clips (if needed)

Pro tip:

If you have particularly thick or voluminous hair, consider using a stocking cap as an additional layer underneath the wig cap. This will help flatten any bulkiness and create an even smoother surface for the wig.

Now that your natural hair is prepped and ready, let’s move on to securing the wig cap properly.

Steps to follow for securing the wig cap properly

Choosing the right wig cap

Before securing your cosplay wig, it is important to choose the right wig cap that matches your natural hair color. This will help create a seamless look and prevent any of your natural hair from peeking through. Look for a wig cap made of breathable material, such as nylon or mesh, to ensure comfort during wear.

Preparing your hair and scalp

Prior to putting on the wig cap, make sure your hair is clean and free from any styling products. If you have long hair, it is recommended to braid or pin it up tightly against your head to create a smooth surface. Additionally, applying a thin layer of wig grip or hairspray along your hairline can help keep the wig cap in place.

Securing the wig cap

To secure the wig cap properly, start by placing it over your head and adjusting it so that it covers all of your natural hair. Use bobby pins or T-pins to secure the edges of the cap around your hairline, making sure they are hidden underneath the cap. For added security, you can also use a wig grip band or adhesive tape along the perimeter of the cap.


  • Make sure not to pull too tight when securing the wig cap as this can cause discomfort or headaches.
  • If you have short hair, consider using a stocking cap underneath for extra coverage.
  • If using adhesive tape, be cautious not to apply directly onto your skin to avoid irritation.

Process of adjusting the wig to fit your head shape

Step 1: Measure your head

Before adjusting the wig, it’s important to measure your head to ensure a proper fit. Use a flexible tape measure to measure the circumference of your head, starting at the hairline in front, going behind the ears, and ending at the nape of your neck. Take note of this measurement as it will help you choose the right size wig.

Step 2: Secure the wig cap

To create a smooth base for the wig, wear a wig cap that matches your skin tone. Secure it tightly over your natural hair, making sure all strands are tucked in. This will prevent any bulges or bumps from showing through the wig.

Step 3: Adjust the straps

Most wigs come with adjustable straps at the back that allow you to tighten or loosen them for a customized fit. Start by loosening these straps and then put on the wig. Once it’s on, adjust the straps until it feels snug but not too tight. This will ensure that the wig stays securely in place throughout wear.

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Step 4: Trim excess lace (for lace front wigs)

If you’re wearing a lace front cosplay wig, there may be excess lace along the hairline. Use sharp scissors to carefully trim this excess lace, being careful not to cut into the hair fibers. This will give you a more natural-looking hairline and make it easier to blend with your own hair if desired.

Overall, adjusting a cosplay wig to fit your head shape involves measuring properly, securing a wig cap, adjusting straps for comfort, and trimming excess lace if applicable.

How to style the wig accurately to match the character’s hairstyle

When styling a cosplay wig to match a character’s hairstyle, it’s important to consider the following steps:

Step 1: Research and gather reference images

Before starting the styling process, gather reference images of the character’s hairstyle from different angles. This will help you understand the overall shape, texture, and details of the hairstyle.

Step 2: Prep the wig

If your wig arrives in a straight or unstyled state, you may need to prep it before styling. Use a wig brush or wide-toothed comb to gently detangle any knots or tangles. Avoid using excessive force as this can damage the wig fibers.

Step 3: Use heat styling tools (if applicable)

If your character’s hairstyle requires curls, waves, or specific textures, you may need to use heat styling tools such as curling irons or straighteners. Ensure that your wig is heat-resistant before applying any heat. Test a small section of hair first to determine the appropriate temperature and timing.

Step 4: Add hair accessories or extensions

To achieve certain hairstyles, you may need to add hair accessories or extensions. This could include clips, bows, ribbons, or even additional wefts of hair. Secure these accessories in place using bobby pins or adhesive suitable for wigs.

Remember to be patient and work in small sections when styling a cosplay wig. Take breaks if needed and refer back to your reference images frequently for accuracy.

(Note: The remaining subheadings will be expanded in subsequent paragraphs)

Special techniques for attaching a lace front cosplay wig

Using adhesive

One popular method for attaching a lace front cosplay wig is using adhesive. To do this, first clean your forehead and hairline to remove any oils or residue. Apply a thin layer of scalp protector to protect your skin. Then, apply a small amount of wig adhesive along the hairline, making sure to avoid getting it on your natural hair. Carefully press the lace front of the wig onto the adhesive, starting from the center and working your way outwards. Use a clean cloth or tissue to firmly press down on the lace and secure it in place.

Using wig tape

If you prefer not to use adhesive, another option is using double-sided wig tape. Cut the tape into small strips and apply them along your hairline, making sure they are evenly spaced. Remove the backing from one side of the tape and carefully press down on the lace front of the wig, starting from the center and working your way outwards. Once the wig is securely in place, gently press down on the edges to ensure they are adhered properly.


  • Always test any adhesive or tape on a small area of your skin before applying it to your entire hairline to check for any adverse reactions.
  • Make sure to remove any excess adhesive or tape residue from both your skin and the wig after each use.
  • If you have sensitive skin or allergies, consult with a dermatologist before using any adhesives or tapes.

Tips for preventing the wig from slipping or falling off during wear

To prevent your cosplay wig from slipping or falling off during wear, there are several steps you can take:

Secure the wig with bobby pins

Once you have attached the wig using adhesive or tape, you can further secure it by strategically placing bobby pins along the hairline and at the nape of your neck. Slide the bobby pins through the wig cap and into your natural hair to provide extra support.

Use a wig grip or wig band

A wig grip or wig band is a stretchy, adjustable band that fits around your head and helps keep your cosplay wig in place. Simply wear the grip or band underneath your wig to provide added security.


  • Choose bobby pins that match the color of your cosplay wig to help them blend in seamlessly.
  • If using a wig grip, make sure it is not too tight as this can cause discomfort or headaches.
  • Experiment with different placement and angles when securing bobby pins to find what works best for you.

How to blend your natural hair with the cosplay wig for a seamless look

1. Preparing your natural hair

Before putting on a cosplay wig, it is important to prepare your natural hair to ensure a seamless blend. Start by washing and conditioning your hair to make it clean and manageable. If you have long or thick hair, consider braiding or twisting it close to your scalp to create a flat base.

2. Choosing the right wig color and style

To achieve a natural look, select a cosplay wig that closely matches the color and texture of your natural hair. Additionally, choose a wig style that complements your face shape and desired character portrayal. This will help in seamlessly blending the wig with your own hair.

3. Using hair accessories

Hair accessories can be helpful in blending your natural hair with the cosplay wig. Consider using bobby pins or clips to secure any loose strands of hair before putting on the wig. These accessories can also help in creating a smooth transition between your own hairline and the wig’s edge.


– Use a wide-toothed comb or brush to gently detangle and smooth out any knots in your natural hair before applying the wig.
– Apply some hairspray or styling gel to tame flyaways and frizz for a neater appearance.
– Avoid using excessive heat styling tools on both your natural hair and the cosplay wig as it can cause damage.

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By following these steps, you can achieve a seamless blend between your natural hair and the cosplay wig, creating an overall more realistic look for your character portrayal.

Recommended products and tools for maintaining and caring for a cosplay wig

1. Wig brush or comb

Investing in a good quality brush or comb specifically designed for wigs is essential for maintaining the wig’s shape and preventing tangles. These brushes have wider teeth to prevent damage to the wig fibers.

2. Wig stand or mannequin head

Having a wig stand or mannequin head is crucial for proper storage and styling of your cosplay wig. It helps maintain the wig’s shape and prevents tangling when not in use.

3. Wig shampoo and conditioner

Using specialized wig shampoo and conditioner will help keep your cosplay wig clean, soft, and manageable. Regular hair care products can be too harsh and may cause damage to the synthetic fibers of the wig.


– Avoid using regular hairbrushes or combs on your cosplay wig as they can cause frizz and damage.
– Store your cosplay wig in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent color fading.
– Gently detangle the wig with your fingers or a wide-toothed comb before washing to avoid unnecessary pulling or stretching.

By using these recommended products and tools, you can ensure that your cosplay wig stays in good condition, allowing you to enjoy it for multiple uses while maintaining its realistic appearance.

(Note: The remaining subheadings will be expanded further in separate responses.)

Guidance on removing a cosplay wig without damaging it or your natural hair

Proper Care and Maintenance

Removing a cosplay wig can be a delicate process to ensure that both the wig and your natural hair remain undamaged. Before attempting to remove the wig, it is important to properly care for and maintain it. This includes regular brushing and detangling to prevent knots and tangles. Additionally, using a wig stand or mannequin head when not wearing the wig can help maintain its shape and prevent any potential damage.

Gently Untangling the Wig

Prior to removing the cosplay wig, gently untangle any knots or snags using a wide-toothed comb or your fingers. Start from the bottom of the wig and work your way up to avoid causing further damage. Take your time during this process to ensure that you do not pull or tug at the hair too forcefully.

Using Proper Removal Techniques

To remove the cosplay wig without causing damage, it is important to use proper removal techniques. Start by locating any clips, combs, or other fasteners securing the wig in place. Carefully unfasten these attachments before gently lifting the edges of the wig off your head. Avoid pulling on the hair while doing so, as this can lead to breakage or shedding.

Once you have lifted the edges of the wig off your head, gradually work your way towards the back until it is completely removed. If there are any adhesive tapes or glues used to secure the wig, follow instructions provided by their manufacturer for safe removal.

Mistakes to avoid when putting on a cosplay wig

Pulling Too Tightly

One common mistake when putting on a cosplay wig is pulling it too tightly. This can not only cause discomfort but also put unnecessary strain on the wig, leading to breakage or damage. To avoid this, ensure that you are not stretching the wig excessively and adjust it to a comfortable fit without pulling too tightly.

Skipping Wig Cap

Another mistake is skipping the use of a wig cap. A wig cap helps to secure your natural hair and provides a smooth surface for the wig to sit on, ensuring a more natural appearance. Without a wig cap, the wig may slip or slide around, making it difficult to achieve the desired look.

Improper Alignment

Improper alignment is another mistake that can make a cosplay wig look unnatural. When putting on the wig, ensure that it is aligned with your natural hairline or any desired style you want to achieve. Take your time to adjust and position the wig properly for a seamless blend with your own hair.

Neglecting Styling Tools

Neglecting styling tools can also lead to less than desirable results when putting on a cosplay wig. Use appropriate tools such as combs, brushes, or heat styling appliances (if applicable) to achieve the desired style and shape of the wig. This will help create a more polished and realistic look.

Tips for ensuring natural and realistic edges of the wig when wearing it

Trimming and Shaping

To ensure natural and realistic edges of a cosplay wig, consider trimming and shaping it according to your desired style. This can involve trimming any excess lace or uneven strands along the hairline for a more seamless blend with your natural hairline.

Using Concealers or Foundation

An effective way to enhance the natural look of the edges is to use concealers or foundation that matches your skin tone. Apply a small amount along the hairline and gently blend it in to create a more natural appearance, minimizing any visible wig cap or lace.

Applying Baby Hair

For added realism, consider applying baby hair along the edges of the wig. This can be achieved by plucking a few strands from the hairline and styling them in a way that mimics natural baby hair. Use styling products like gel or hairspray to help hold the baby hair in place.

Alternative methods or accessories to secure a cosplay wig in place

Wig Clips

One alternative method to secure a cosplay wig is by using wig clips. Wig clips are small comb-like attachments that can be sewn onto the inside of the wig cap. These clips can be attached to your natural hair for added security, preventing the wig from shifting or slipping during wear.

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Bobby Pins

Bobby pins are another accessory that can be used to secure a cosplay wig in place. Simply insert bobby pins through the mesh of the wig cap and into your natural hair at strategic points around your head. This will help anchor the wig and prevent it from moving around.

Adhesive Tapes or Glues

If you require stronger and longer-lasting hold, adhesive tapes or glues specifically designed for wigs can be used. These products provide a secure bond between your scalp and the wig, ensuring it stays in place even during vigorous activities. However, it is important to follow instructions carefully and avoid using excessive amounts of adhesive.

Suggestions for dealing with discomfort or itching while wearing a cosplay wig

Wig Cap Material

Choosing a wig cap made of a breathable and lightweight material can help alleviate discomfort or itching while wearing a cosplay wig. Look for wig caps made of materials like nylon or spandex, as they allow for better airflow and reduce the likelihood of irritation.

Wig Cap Liners

Using wig cap liners can provide an additional layer of protection between your scalp and the wig cap, helping to minimize any discomfort or itching. These liners are typically made of soft materials like cotton or silk, providing a barrier that reduces friction and irritation.

Avoid Tight Hairstyles

Avoiding tight hairstyles underneath the wig can also help prevent discomfort or itching. Opt for loose braids, buns, or ponytails that do not put excessive pressure on your scalp. This will allow for better circulation and reduce the likelihood of irritation.

Regular Breaks

If you experience discomfort or itching while wearing a cosplay wig, take regular breaks to give your scalp some relief. Remove the wig for short periods to allow your scalp to breathe and recover from any potential irritation. This can help alleviate any discomfort and make wearing the wig more manageable.

Online resources and tutorials providing detailed instructions on putting on different types of cosplay wigs


YouTube Channels:

These online resources and tutorials offer detailed instructions on putting on different types of cosplay wigs. They provide step-by-step guides, tips, and tricks for achieving various styles and looks. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced cosplayer, these resources can help enhance your skills and ensure a successful wig application.

In conclusion, putting on a cosplay wig is a fun and essential part of completing your costume. By following the simple steps mentioned in this guide, you’ll be able to achieve a flawless look and bring your character to life. If you’re looking for high-quality cosplay products, don’t forget to check out our collection! We have a wide range of wigs and accessories that will elevate your cosplay experience. Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any questions or need assistance – we’re here to help you become the ultimate cosplayer!

how to put on a cosplay wig

Do I need a wig cap for cosplay?

The decision to wear a wig cap is up to the individual, and many wig-wearers opt not to wear one. This could be because a wig cap adds an extra layer and heat to the scalp, particularly in the summer, or simply due to personal preference. Some individuals with very short hair may also feel that wearing a wig cap is unnecessary.

Can you use hairspray on a cosplay wig?

Hairsprays with a strong hold, such as Got2Bglued, are effective for keeping a hairstyle in place and can be used safely on wigs. If you prefer a more flexible hold, you can use any hairspray that you like.

how to put on a cosplay wig 1

What happens if you don’t wear a wig cap?

Using a wig cap can be helpful in securing your natural hair in place when wearing a wig, regardless of its length. It also acts as a protective barrier, preventing hair breakage caused by friction between the wig and scalp.

What to do before putting on a wig?

Before wearing a wig, make sure to brush your hair away from your face. Secure it by pinning your hair and using hairspray. Just be careful not to accidentally spray the wig with hairspray.

Are wigs hard to put on?

If you’re a beginner when it comes to wearing wigs and are worried about the complexity, there is no need to be concerned because it is actually quite simple. In fact, almost all wigs come already styled, so it only takes a few minutes to make them ready to wear.

Can you wear cosplay wigs everyday?

Cosplay wigs are designed for occasional use, typically for a few events each year. If worn as everyday wigs, they typically have a lifespan of three to five months. While higher quality wigs may last longer, eventually the fibers will begin to shed and the wig will show signs of wear.